From 1st July 2020, LIFTS must be endorsed by an Accredited Practitioner (AP) (previously known as “competent fire safety practitioner” – “CFSP”) on the Annual Fire Safety Statement.


AFT Fire Protection’s Accredited Practitioners are accredited to endorse LIFTS.



There is strong feedback that many mainstream lift maintenance/installation company staff do not have OR are not gaining the accreditation required under current legislation.





Typically, the applicable performance standards are the BCA and AS1735 and the following inspection/tests are subsequently required for the purpose of the AFSS:

  • Every lift landing door must be fire rated (-/60/-) – all doors to be individually checked
  • Lift car emergency lighting – 2-hour test
  • Fire Service controls & recall switch
  • Car Emergency Signaling Devices
  • Signage on each level – “In case of fire do not use lift”
  • Any required lift operation when in fire alarm or power fail – specific to the building

If you require assistance with endorsing your LIFTS then please email us with the details of the particular site:

  • AFSS schedule
  • Number of lifts
  • Number of lift landing doors
  • Number of levels

AFT Fire Protection can prepare a quotation for all of your required works, based on the information you provide